Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Water Is Health

Surprised to know that water can heal all types of body dieseases.
At first thought, it might be temperature water.
Means that water is heated up to a certain temperature before it can be used.
Maybe so so only.
Then on further findings, it seems that water particles are responsible for health.
Young people especially children, they like to drink cold water.
Everything they drink, they like to put ice cubes into it.
Ice cola, ice lemon tea, ice coffee, ice fruit juices, and even plain ice water.
What about the elderly.....
They drink everything hot.
Like hot milo, hot tea, hot coffee, and even hot plain water.
Now why the difference.
I once asked a couple of old folks and the answers I get seems almost alike.
They said hot liquids or just plain hot water is very much easier to consume than cold stuffs.
Now under a microscope, view a drop of hot water.
What do u see?
The water substance or cells looks rounded.
Now if you were to view a drop of hot water, what do you see?
It looks like L shape and it's smaller in size.
Now does that look like hot water is easier to consume?
Make a guess......


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