Saturday, July 15, 2006

Ancient Secret Of The Fountain Of Youth.

This is indeed a wonderful book I have read and read a number of times and started practicing it.
The title of the book itself shows news of good health and longivity.
Tibet is a remote world with lots of mysteries abound.

This book tells of a story of an Englishman who found these techniques in Tibet and return to tell the whole truth.

Now it's your turn to discover the Fountain Of Youth.

It's the late 1920s in colonial India.
Driven by a seemingly irrational wish, an aging British Army officer embarks upon an adventure of discovery that leads to forbidden Tibet. An ancient land obscured by centuries on isolation, a land of wonder, where miraculous feats are a part of everyday life.
There in the shadows of the earth's tallest mountains, he stumbles on the hidden Shangri-La, a mysteries place without time where people age but somehow never grows old.
So begins Peter Kelder's chronicle of Colonel Bradford, whose extraordinary adventure brings him back to the west years later at age 73, looking and acting like a man of 45.
How did he accomplish this remarkable feat of rejuvenation? The secret, says Bradford, is a series of 5 ancient Tibetian exercises, which anyone can perform in a matter of minutes.
These simple exercises which he calls the 5 Rites, restore youthful health and vitality by balancing and harmonizing invisible energy vortexes within the body.

All wisdom is ancient and in reality is not a secret. When u think it is a secret, u have discovered something new. Well, u didn't know about it then, simply u didn't make the effort to seek it out.
And after all, why should u? Why look to the wisdom of ancient masters if modern science technology can provide for all your needs and wants? I find that most people think this way until a life threatening illness occurs. Then they are forced to confront their own mortality and a different perspective takes place. As they realised that science and technology offer them no solutions to the crisis they face, their values and priorities begin to change for the better. They see a new life in them. That's when they wonder what's happenning to their life. Things around them begins to move fast too. Then they start to seek out wisdom that will help them engage in life fully and meaningfully. Then they discover the joy of living.

After years of research, I discovered that there are three types of personality traits in people who face life threatening illness, yet they manage to live longer than expected. They have a fighting spirit. A will to learn and change spiritually.

Recently I read about a wise man with hidden words of wisdom. Says that a healthy man displays three qualities. That is action, wisdom and devotion.
Meaning these are hidden words which have taken me years to discover. If I had known these words earlier, I could have used these wisdom to help more people, and saved myself a great deal of time and energy.

In the same manner, this book can save u time and energy.
It contains very practical information and a great deal of wisdom which u can use to start the process of youthing. And it can help achieve a healthier and more fulfilling life.

As u follows the instruction in this book, be kind to yourself. If u are too demanding, u will only be setting yourself to failure. U need to proceed at your own pace and in your own style. Practise slowly, step by step. Do not over do. Remember, youthing is a process, and it works only so long as u enjoys it.

be happy....

to be continue.....



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